Profile of D4 Digital Telecommunication Network Study Program
The Digital Telecommunication Network Study Program, Department of Electrical Engineering, State Polytechnic of Malang was founded in 2009. This study program is a development of the existing Telecommunication Engineering Study Program which was established based on the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education No. 4670/D/T/2008 dated 31 December 2008. Until now, various efforts to increase all resources have always been carried out by the Digital Telecommunication Network Study Program which is accredited B based on the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education No. 799/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/Dpl-IV/VIII/2015, both efforts to improve input, process and output aspects that allow for feedback to be obtained and follow-up carried out to obtain increased accreditation.
Based on the POLLINEMA Strategic Plan, it is prepared with substance that leads to the Development and Strengthening of Internal Capacity as a strong foundation for the development of Institutional Competitiveness which aims to prepare for the future in competition in the industrial world 4.0 which is increasingly stringent and in a global scope. Therefore, development is carried out for all members of the civitas academica through the formulation of the vision of the Digital Telecommunication Network Study Program, namely “To become a leading vocational study program in the field of digital telecommunications networks and be able to compete at the global level”. To express this vision, missions, goals and objectives are formulated which are operationally implemented in activities aimed at Becoming a Digital Telecommunication Network Study Program that excels in the field of telecommunications and control in global competition. However, this vision implies that students are stakeholder representatives who receive the main benefits from all aspects of education and learning carried out in the Digital Telecommunication Network Study Program – State Polytechnic of Malang. Therefore, to provide satisfaction to stakeholders, all members of the academic community of the Digital Telecommunication Network Study Program are determined to continuously carry out the following:
Improving the quality and quantity of teaching staff
Review and develop curricula
Improving the quality of facilities and infrastructure
Increasing the acquisition of funds through internal and external capabilities.
The efforts mentioned above are of course carried out simultaneously with efforts to improve other aspects. Improvements to process aspects are carried out with the aim that efforts to improve input aspects will produce output as expected. To ensure that inputs can be processed properly, it must be supported by: (1) Increasing the effectiveness of the organizational structure by functioning it dynamically, professionally and responsibly, (2) Increasing the quality of a leadership system that is professional, open and promotes the participation of the entire academic community in policy development, management, and program implementation, (3) Improving the quality of program management systems that enable evaluation and obtaining feedback on all work results within the study program environment, (4) Improving the quality of the academic atmosphere that enables the achievement of learning missions optimally, the production of useful applied research, and the implementation of community service that is appropriate.
Through efforts to improve input and process aspects, outputs will be produced in the form of: (1) Graduates with qualifications according to the needs of the job market and ready to compete in the global market, (2) Quality conceptual and applied research produced by teaching staff and student.
a. The main competencies of graduates include graduates being able to:
• Competence in the Field of Wireless Telecommunication Networks
• Competency in Cellular Technology
• Broadband Communication Competency
b. Supporting competencies include graduates being able to:
• Competence in the field of Radio Communication Systems (RF)
• Competency in the field of Microcontroller-Based Data Communication
• Competence in Internet-based programming
c. Other competencies/graduate options include graduates being able to:
• Able to understand the values of norms, religion, ethics and responsibility
• Able to communicate both individually and in a team
• Able to understand and follow the latest developments in the field of electrical engineering, especially in the field of telecommunications networks
• Able to work together and adapt quickly in the work environment
• Capable of entrepreneurship in the field of Telecommunications
The infrastructure and facilities owned by the D-IV Digital Telecommunications Network Study Program are very adequate for PBM, consisting of 1 three-story AH building location for 12 lecture rooms, lecturer rooms, administration rooms, KPS rooms and meeting rooms. Study Program also has 12 Laboratories and 1 Workshop, a lecturer research room located in the AI and AL Buildings. There is infrastructure and facilities create a conducive atmosphere which is reflected in customer satisfaction (students) which is always evaluated by KJM. The high enthusiasm of lecturers, students and educational staff to carry out research and community service together has made the D-IV Digital Telecommunication Networks Study Program more advanced.
Profile on PDDikti here